Previous Winners
Jenny Zheng
Jenny Zhang submitted a Public Policy piece titled “Let there be pipes” in 2018.
Johnny Jung
Johnny Jung submitted a Natural and Physical Sciences piece titled “Pain and the Brain” in 2018.
Luke Sheridan
Luke Sheridan submitted a Social Science piece titled “Democracy and the Question of Muslim Governance” in 2018.
Mary Breen
Mary Breen submitted a Data and Computer Science piece titled “Magnifying Military Power” in 2018.
Anya Bharadwaj
Anya sumbitted a Social Science piece titled “Indian Women: Advertisements and Economics” in 2017.
Dylan Staats
Dylan submitted a Natural and Physical Sciences piece titled “It’s All Coral-ated” in 2017.
Jack Townsend
Jack submitted a Data and Computer Science piece titled “Where to next, Joe? P versus NP, explained” in 2017.
Theodore Montgomery
Theodore submitted a Public Policy piece titled “Financing the renewable energy future with virtual power purchase agreements” in 2017.