Be a Tutor

We’re delighted you’re interested in becoming a Writing Center tutor. We welcome undergraduate applications from all years, majors, and schools. We are currently accepting applications for academic year 2024-2025. The application deadline is 5 pm on Friday, March 15th, 2024.

What does a tutor do, exactly?  If you’re unsure about whether or not this job is for you:

  1. Read about us on our site: you’re already here!
  2. (Highly recommended) Sign up for a 30-minute in-person or online Writing Center appointment by clicking “Book an Appointment” on our homepage. Peer tutoring is a unique, collaborative approach to writing that involves much more conversation and critical engagement than a traditional editorial role—attending a session will give you a clearer idea of what the job entails. (Hint: It’s a big plus if you’ve taken the initiative to get first-hand knowledge of what exactly we do.)

Being a tutor can be tremendously satisfying but also requires a significant time commitment. You will be responsible for at least three hours of tutoring a week, as well as the completion of a three-credit fall semester seminar, “Approaches to Teaching English Composition,” offered only on Wednesdays, 3:30pm – 6:00pm in the fall. So please consider your other academic and extracurricular activities carefully before applying.

Application timeline:

  • Please submit parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the application (directions below) as a single PDF file to
  • Applications are due no later than Friday, March 15th, 2024 at 5pm.
  • We’ll then invite some applicants to interview the week of March 25th and April 1st.
  • We’ll make final selections and notify next year’s tutors before the end of Early Registration.

Do not hesitate to contact me at with any questions!


Elizabeth Catchmark, Director, Georgetown University Writing Center 

Undergraduate Tutor Application

Please submit parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 as a single PDF file to

Part 1: Basic Information


Email address and cell phone:

Graduating class (2025, 2026, or 2027):

School, major(s), and minor(s):

Work-study status:

Extra-curricular activities (list any that will demand 2+ hours per week):

Languages known and fluency level (beginner, intermediate, fluent):

Part 2: Personal Statement and Résumé

In a one-page personal statement, explain why you are interested in becoming a Writing Center tutor. Describe what qualities, skills, and knowledge you possess that might make you a successful tutor. If relevant, describe any previous experiences you have had working with other student writers, in a classroom setting or otherwise. 

Please also submit a résumé. 

Part 3: Writing Sample and Reflection

  • Include a copy of an essay or excerpt from a longer essay (roughly three to six pages) that you have written for a class at Georgetown.
  • Then briefly tell us what you remember about how you wrote it, especially how the writing process you used in this instance relates to what you’ve learned more generally about the approaches to pre-writing (brainstorming, planning), drafting, revising and final editing that work best for you (200 words).  

Part 4: Innovation/Expansion

  • Writing Center Tutors are expected to do a number of professional development hours each semester, which often include opportunities to develop innovations and make improvements to the Writing Center (e.g. strategize about professional development, increase outreach, construct teaching guides, develop guidelines and best practices statements). After browsing our website, briefly describe the kind of work you might be interested in doing outside of tutoring hours. (We recognize you may have little or no experience at the center, but please complete this question to the best of your ability.) 

Part 5: Name and Contact Information for Two References 

Provide contact information for two references. No formal recommendation letters are required at this time.